How it all began

“When I heard my cousin was getting married, I thought it would be a nice treat to make her a wedding video as a gift.”

“I’m thrilled to do what I love and help others remember one of the most important days of their lives”

St. Thomas, USVI

Following your passion

I always had a passion for video but never had the courage to pursue it professionally. When I heard my cousin was getting married, I thought it would be a nice treat to make her a wedding video as a gift. After insisting she let me do it, it turned out better than anyone was expecting, including myself, and everyone insisted I do more weddings.

I owe a lot to that first wedding video, it opened up a whole new world of possibilities. It’s funny how life will push you into things that you never saw yourself doing.

There is a quote that I remember from a long time ago but never really thought it would apply to me, it goes “if you keep doing what you like to do eventually you’ll get so good at it that someone will pay you to do it.” I just want to say that it’s never too late to pursue your passion even if it doesn’t work out it’s still worth a shot. I’m just thrilled to do what I love and help others remember one of the most important days of their lives.

My First Wedding Video

And the rest is history